
New 10-Year Shelter and ECU Warranties
...the longest in the industry!

Toll Free (US, Canada)

Contact Us

Tell Us About Your Military Camp or Military Shelter Requirement(s)

Thank you for your interest in Alaska Defense®, formerly the Military Division of Alaska Structures, Inc. We can be reached by phone, or by completing the form on this page.

We value our customer’s time and confidentiality. We will never disclose or use the information provided to send spam.

Office Location:

Alaska Defense®
301 Rea Blvd., Suite 101
Las Cruces, NM 88007

Mailing Address:

Alaska Defense®
PO Box 64577
Fayetteville, NC 28306-0577

Contact Information:

Toll Free: +1-888-884-5733
Local: +1-575-541-9116

Alaska Defense® is a division of AKS Industries, Inc.

We are excited to hear from you and learn about your project! Please send an email inquiry using the form below!