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Alaska XP Medical Shelter System

Alaska XP Medical Shelter System from Alaska Defense®
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The Ultimate Expeditionary Medical Shelter for Combat Health Support Systems

The Alaska XP Medical Shelter System from Alaska Defense® (Alaska), combines the rugged durability of our proven military shelters with the rapid deployment capability of the Alaska XP Shelter System to create a modern medical shelter system that meets the expeditionary strategies of today’s U.S. Forces and foreign militaries. The Alaska XP Medical Shelter System was created to enhance the capability of rapidly providing a seamless health care delivery system to enhance patient acquisition, treatment, evacuation, and return to duty (RTD). Depending on the level of medical care offered, the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System can be used to provide everything from general hospital services and preventive medicine to stabilization and isolation (see our medical shelters and mobile field hospitals with isolation wards for COVID-19 for more information on isolation capabilities).

From forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) to continental United States (CONUS) sustainment bases, the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System builds upon the success of the Alaska AMEDD Shelter, selected as a replacement for the Army’s aging TEMPER tents and noted as offering “outstanding combat support with the most revolutionary design in more than 50 years.”

Engineered Advantages of the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System

The scalable and modular design of the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System enables the rapid establishment of combat health support (CHS) systems used to support three of the five echelon medical care levels, including the following:

  • Echelon II – designed for division-level care, which expands Echelon 1 facility care to include: dental, x-ray, laboratory and patient-holding capabilities. Echelon II CHS capabilities also include preventative medicine (PVNTMED) activities and combat operational stress control (COSC). Medical care is provided by medical companies, including:
    • Forward support medical company (FSMC)
    • Main support medical company (MSMC)
    • Division support medical company (DSMC)
    • Brigade support medical company (BSMC)
  • Echelon III – the first hospital facility or the corps combat support hospital (CSH) is staffed and equipped to provide resuscitation, initial wound surgery and postoperative treatment and expands the functions of Echelon II capabilities. Patients are stabilized and then evacuated for further care or RTD within the theater.
  • Echelon IV – a field or general hospital. The Alaska XP Medical Shelter System can be configured for 84-bed and 168-bed field hospital configurations.

Alaska XP Medical Shelter System – Sized Options for Maximum Efficiency

The speed with which medical treatment is initiated is extremely important in reducing morbidity and mortality as is the need for a medical shelter system that can aid in the response of a rapidly changing battlefield.

The Alaska XP Medical Shelter is available in two sizes, each offering rapid deployment capabilities:

  • 20’ wide x 32.5’ long – setup in less than 10 minutes by a trained crew of four to six persons
  • 20’ wide x 39’ long – setup in less than 12 minutes by a trained crew of four to six persons

Materials and Specifications of the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System

All Alaska XP Medical Shelters are 10’ high at the peak. Each shelter is constructed of a heavy-duty mil-spec vinyl fabric that is tensioned over a lightweight and powder-coated aluminum frame to provide an unmatched level of protection. Collective protection (COLPRO) versions of the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System are available, allowing U.S. Forces and foreign militaries to rapidly concentrate, attack, reinforce and block enemy forces in CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) environments.

Medical Shelters Engineered for Any Environment

When creating a comprehensive combat health support plan, careful consideration must be given to the numerous environmental effects to personnel, equipment and supplies. The Alaska XP Medical Shelter System is engineered to provide maximum flexibility against all weather types – snow, rain, hail, and wind.

Additionally, the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System can be deployed in extremely diverse environments ranging from rough mountainous terrains, tundra and glacial areas, jungle areas, to desert environments. Exposure to the extreme temperatures of these environments are life threatening. The Alaska XP Medical Shelter System is proven to maintain a comfortable interior temperature of 72˚F in ambient temperatures of +125˚F, and maintain +65˚F in ambient temperatures of -10˚F when used with the 5-ton Alaska ECU® (Environmental Control Unit).

Additional energy-saving products are available including: LED lighting, EnerLayer® insulation systems, as well as the Alaska Solar Fly®, all specifically designed and field-tested to reduce energy consumption.

The rapid setup and strike speed of the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System enables medical resources to be redistributed or relocated to areas without fixed medical facilities as the tactical plans of operations change. Carry bag systems or re-usable Alaska Containers with forklift handing provisions, allow four complete Alaska 20′ x 32.5′ XP Medical Shelter Systems to be transported in four Alaska Containers stacked on a single standard 463L pallet.

Made in the U.S.A., the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System is Berry Amendment compliant.

Click the button below or call us at +1-575-541-9116 for more information about the Alaska XP Medical Shelter System.

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